Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 12/29/23

Year: 2023

Research Articles

The journal aims to publish original and advanced technology research results and comments on agriculture and natural life. Research and compilation articles on animal production, crop production, aquaculture, soil science, sustainable farming systems, agricultural economics, genetics, agricultural statistics, plant protection, agricultural machinery, food engineering, biology, biotechnology, landscape architecture, forest engineering, industrial hemp are published.

The journal is a platform where accessible and applicable basic and applied methods and techniques are presented that reveal new findings. Compilations prepared on current issues can be accepted for publication in studies. The languages of publication are Turkish and English.

The article to be sent to the journal should be written in A4 size text. Each page and line of the article should be numbered. The article should not exceed 20 pages in total.

We recommend using our Journal TEMPLATE. Click for TEMPLATE:



The name(s) of the author should be written clearly and in 11-point Calibri font (academic title should not be specified), the address information of all authors and the contact information of the author to whom correspondence will be made (e-mail, telephone, ORCID ID, etc.) should be specified, and the 10-point Calibri font should be written.  Addresses should be written clearly just below the authors' names, with the first letter of the words capitalized.
(AUTHOR NAMES and ADDRESSES should not be written in the Full Text, but should be stated in the Cover Letter). Page Number should be given in the lower right corner.
The article submitted to the journal should consist of: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if necessary) and References.

Title: The title of the article should be short and descriptive, should not exceed 20 words and should not contain abbreviations.

Abstract: Both Turkish and English abstracts should not exceed 250 words, should include the purpose of the article, important data and results of the study. There is no need for a Turkish abstract for articles prepared in English.

Keywords: They should be given in alphabetical order, not exceeding 5 words and at least 3 words.

Introduction: This section should clearly state the problem in the study, explain the previous and especially recent studies, and clearly state the aims of the study.

Materials and Methods: This section should contain all the materials used in the study, the methods should be explained in detail, and the statistical methods should be explained.

Results and Discussion: The data and findings obtained in the study should be given as tables and information, and should be interpreted and discussed according to the results of the previous study.

Acknowledgments: In this section, people, organizations and projects that contributed to the work can be included.

Figures and Tables: All figures and tables should be numbered and given where they should be in the article. Figure and table widths can be 8 or 15 cm. Pictures can be in color and in any resolution. Figures and tables should be placed at the end of the article (after the References). Picture resolutions should be good (understandable).

Citation format is APA 6.

References: In the article, the surname and publication date of the author (Akın, 2022) for a single author should be given as 'and' (Karadağ and Yılmaz 2019) between the surnames of the authors for dual authors. In the citation and references of 3 or more authors, it should be written as 'et al.' (Gürbüz et al., 2021) after the surname of the first author. If more than one work of the same author with the same date is to be referenced, it should be lettered as 'a, b' adjacent to the year (Smiler, 2015a,b). In the references section, 12 pt -1.25 cm hanging indent should be given according to alphabetical and chronological order. Resources; used articles, books, congress papers, book chapters, etc. should be listed as follows:

Yazici, K. ve Gülgün B. (2021). The Alternatives Use of Aquatic Plants in Geopark within Approach Landscape Ecology. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, 4086–4102.

Gürbüz, Y. (2019). Determination of The Effect of Technological Procedures Applied in Feed Factories on Mixed Feed Nutrition and Forming Quality Critical Points. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 7(12), 2245–2251.

Gülgün B., Köse, M., Yazici, K., Dursun, Ş., Ankaya, F., ve Köse, H. (2015). Soil polutions in The Environment Created by Developing Technology and Biological Measures in Soil Pollution. Presented at the 5th Internatonal Conference of Ecosystems, Tirana. (Bildiri alıntı örneği)

FAO, (2019). World chestnut production list. http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC. Access date: 03.06.2020 (Yazarı olmayan web site alıntı)

Yazici, K. (2021).Peyzajın Temel Yapı Taşları. Gece Kitabevi, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa sayısı:255, ISBN:978-625-7793-41-4, Ankara. (Kitap alıntı örneği)

Yazici, K. (2018). The Most Recent Studıes in Scıence and Art, Evaluatıon of The Vısual Qualıty of Hıstorıcal Surroundıngs in Urban Landscape wıth Q-Sort Analysıs, ISBN:978-605-288-356-3, Bölüm Sayfaları:537 -551. (Kitap Böl. Alıntı Örneği).

Yılmaz, G. (1993).Bazı patates (Solanum tuberosum L.) çeşit ve hatlarında genotip x çevre etkileşimleri üzerinde araştırmalar, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi , Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarla Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı Anabilim dalı, Doktora Tezi. (Tez alıntı Örneği)

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No fee is charged for the articles, compilations, etc. published in BOZOK JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES.